Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Saturday Night Fever (1977)

Saturday Night fever with John Travolta as Tony Manero depicts a time when disco was a way of life for some. The movie shows how even though many people move away from their home and try to be something that they are not, they still have a piece of where they are from in them. Tony never really tries to pretend that he is something that he is not and the only thing he lives for is Saturday nights at the Odyssey. In the end he decides that this is not the only thing in life and wants to expand his horizons.

I loved this movie. Hands down. It really kept the audiences attention with the constant flow of the story with very few uneventful times, it seems as though everything in the movie was necessary and I cannot recall any scene that I found irrelevant. The soundtrack is amazing and most of the music even to this day is still recognized even by generations that did not grow up during the time. Even though the movie has its low notes and shows the ignorance of men and how mistreated women were at the time, the movie is a staple in american history about a time that cannot and should not ever be forgotten.

I look forward to the day that I get to see this movie again.

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