Saturday, May 8, 2010

70's Film & Culture Overview

It has been a strange couple of months. There were ups, there were downs. I got to see good movies from a great time in history. Throughout the confusion and the turmoil, people found ways of shining through. Directors were emerging and showing how they felt about everything through their art. Everything from blaxploitation, gay rights, womens rights, anti-war sentiments, jobless, homeless, crime, gangs, drugs, sex, and rock and roll were expressed in film. Over the past few months a group of us were taken on a journey through all of it.

Although this class took place during an extremely busy time in my life, I still found ways to enjoy it. Even though at times I felt as though the movies were a little over thought, there was validity to the discussions. I feel as though the directors during the time put a lot into their movies because of their passion about certain topics, or maybe things just appeared to have meaning but during the time, that is just how people thought. Us being distanced from this era and somewhat desensitized might be looking back and analyzing things in a way that the directors did not intend. They may have wanted to say something in a subtle way, but not have their audience dwell on it.

Ambiguous endings have their place, but for me, I cannot stand them. We as artists are ultimately story tellers, for me, the story is just not complete without an ending or closure. Unfortunately, the 70's were a time of prominence with this set up.

Overall I loved the class and I feel as though I have learned something about this country's culture that should never be forgotten.

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