Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Coming Home (1978)

Coming Home is about a woman whose husband is deployed to Viet Nam. During his deployment she volunteers at a VA hospital and comes into contact with an old High School friend. His legs were paralyzed and after many weeks of her nursing him she realizes that she has fallen in love with him. Her husband finally comes home and realized that she has been unfaithful and is confused about the whole situation.

I thought the movie was a lot better done than the previous movies that we watched.The story was well thought out and many plot twists and difficulties presented themselves that the characters seemed to overcome. We talked about what we thought the ending could have symbolized and in my opinion I think that the husband goes into the ocean to die. His only goal in life was to be a war hero and that was taken from him in an unfortunate accident on his own part. His wife was unfaithful so I believe that he felt that he had nothing to live for anymore and decides to end his life on his own terms. Overall I thought the movie was good.

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